Christian Academy (K-6)


School Info
​Tuition: $10,000 per year/per student​
FREE TUITION for families who meet the Low Income Guidelines below
Household of
1 = $19,578 2 = $26,572
3 = $33,566 4 = $40,560
5 = $47,554 6 = $54,548
7 = $61,542 8 = $68,536
**Add $6,994.00 for each add'l family member**
Scholarships and tuition assistance are available (See Right Column for INFO)
Enrollment is Limited (8 students per grade)
School Year: Begins AUGUST 25, 2025
School Day: 8AM - 3:10PM
Breakfast: 7:30AM - 7:45AM
Lunch: 11:40AM - 12:23PM
Grades K - 6
Prayer/Worship & Community Time: 7:45AM-8:00AM (Parents Welcome)
Daily Classes: Bible, Reading/Language Arts, Spelling, Writing, Geography/Social Studies, Health/Phys Ed & Safety, Math, Science, Foreign Language, Service Project, and STEAM Learning Activities
Different Elective offered each day
No School Labor Day - 9/1/25
Christmas Break: 12/22/25 - 1/2/26
125 N. Main Street,
Sharpsburg, PA 15215​

The vision of LCA is to foster and provide a Christian faith community of learners through an intentional spiritually nurturing environment. Students will be able to exemplify our vision by demonstrating high academic achievement and spiritual growth and development of a living Christian faith in Jesus Christ.​​
LCA's mission is to help nurture the spiritual development of students in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit and to help sustain a relationship with Jesus Christ b integrating a biblical worldview in all aspects of high quality academic curriculum and instruction.
About Our Principal

Proverbs 22:6 (KJV) "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
Dr. Deborah L. Hollis is a retired public-school teacher and administrator for over 28 years and has served on the Board of Directors as Education & Outreach Administrator for LoveWorks Church since its inception in 2012. She began her teaching career as a tutor for one of her mother's (Evangelist Mattie V. Hollis, founder of LoveWorks Church) college courses and followed a path of teaching for which she was destined. Dr. Hollis has worked diligently as an elementary and middle school teacher for approximately 10 years providing quality instruction in several content areas including english, reading, writing, mathematics, and social studies. While teaching, colleagues encouraged her to pursue school administration, which she later decided to follow and was assigned as an Assistant Principal, a position which Dr. Hollis served elementary, intermediate and middle school students for over 15 years. She also served as a youth leader and choir director for ten years at Morningside COGIC in the Garfield area of Pittsburgh, PA, where she was an active member of the church. Dr. Hollis embodies a love for children and youth and a sincere desire to aid in their growth and development academically and spiritually as God leads. She achieved a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications, and a Master of Arts in Teaching degree from the University of Pittsburgh. During her assignment as an Assistant Principal, Dr. Hollis pursued and achieved her doctoral degree, EdD for School Leadership in Christian Education from Liberty University in 2019 with the hopes of providing students and teachers the necessary resources and best pedagogical practices within a biblical worldview to increase student's academic performance and enhance spiritual growth and development in a school environment that is spiritually nurturing, purpose-driven, academically comprehensive, and safe. With experience serving in the public education sector, Dr. Hollis realized and became very concerned with the absence of moral character development, a diminishing value of life and lack of hope among students, particularly those who attended schools in low performing districts, who live in economically disadvantaged communities, and low expectations of teachers who work in schools with an increased population of economically disadvantaged children and youth. Moreover, the importance of intentional spiritual nurture for children and youth motivated Dr. Hollis and became the groundwork for her doctoral studies. With a three-fold mission, LoveWorks Church serves to build, restore, and help strengthen the tripartite, distinctive nature of man, body, soul, and spirit, in achieving wholeness and understanding of our purpose in God. One of her leadership goals for LoveWorks Christian Academy is to create a school environment where students develop a sense of Christian self-identity and character, an understanding of their purpose in God and value of life. With a growing concern for the total well-being of children and youth, Dr. Hollis chose to retire in July 2022 from public education to focus more on providing children and youth with a wholistic quality educational experience in Christian Education to help build and strengthen the whole self, physical, spiritual and intellectual growth and development. Spiritual nurture is purpose-driven, Christ-centered, and grounded in a biblical worldview. In His youth, Jesus Christ experienced intellectual, spiritual, physical and social growth and development as he "increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man" (Luke 2:52, KJV). As a Christian school leader, Dr. Hollis is dedicated to carrying out the mission of intentional spiritual nurture through the word of God in the lives of children and youth.
-Peace and blessing in Jesus name.

Scholarship Info
We encourage all families to search for scholarships. There are several outside agencies and organizations that offer tuition assistance for children attending Christian schools. Please read each organizations guidelines carefully to avoid delay in your child beginning the school year on time. Each has their own guidelines, requirements, documentation needed, and due dates. Foundations have two types of scholarships: EITC and OSTC based on income; EITC is available to all PA families that qualify by income; OSTC provides funding for families living in low-performing school districts. To view the complete list of low-performing schools, click the link: https://www.educaion.pa.gov/K-12/Opportunity%20Scholarship%20tax%20Credit%20Program/Pages/default.aspx#tab-1
Scholarship Organizations:
1. Poise Foundation - Available for PreK-12th grades
-3 specific applications available: PreK, K-12 for EITC,
Opportunity Scholarship for OSTC - Access application instructions at: http://wwwpoisefoundation.org/scholarships-overview/
2. Family Choice Scholarship - Available for PreK-12th grades
-Access information and online application at: http://myfamilychoice.org/students
3. Best of the Batch Foundation
Must submit separate application copies for each category-one for EITC, one for OSTC - Download application at https://www.batchfoundation.org/educational-programs/scholarships/
4. Go Forward - Available for K-12th (no PreK) Download application at: https://goforwardeducation.org/support-for-students/

LoveWorks Christian Academy education includes the intentional nurturing of spiritual growth and development which serves to achieve the following goals: -ground students firmly in their faith in Jesus Christ through study in the Word of God; -secure a place for the soul to unite with the presence of God and establish an inheritance with Him; -create learning opportunities for students to grow spiritually in a school environment; -help students understand all of life and learning through the lens of God's Word; -help community of believers establish a commitment to serve others as Jesus did; -help students/staff maintain a right relationship with God as we interact with others; -help families develop and live a Christian lifestyle set apart from the world; -transform lives in the image of Jesus Christ; -help students sustain a living Christian faith through spiritual growth and development;